Hearing God's Voice
Here are my opinions regarding Kenneth's Question on hearing God's Voice/God speaking to you.
I feel, the stimulus of hearing God's Voice is not only determine by the extend of which your walk with God is to. The lack of hearing God's voice can either be good or bad, or to a superficial understanding harmless. I personally feel hearing God's voice is a bonus as a Christian, and i know of many who don't but that does not result in him being a bad or negative Christian.
It is indeed true that God pursues a personal love relationship with each individual that is real and personal. If we pull our senses together and sense the every little movement of God, than, i believe God becomes mightily real in our daily lives.
Often in our lives, we question whether the actions that we do are God-Driven, or by any means our own mind playing with itself. Then, where is the definitive line to draw to understand/comprehend the difference?
I believe, the only way to understand whether it is God speaking, or your own mindset is decided base on your prayer life. Do note, that i said prayer life, and not spiritual walk with God. (The difference is, prayer life is a subset of your spiritual walk with God)
I once heard an analogy from SPK regarding this question which says this:
"If a good friend of yours calls you daily, when you answer the phone, you'd know that it is him."
Therefore, understanding this analogy brings me to the next point. You see, if God's voice is being heard by you very often, than, whenever God calls upon you, you'll hear about it instantly. Hearing that voice is not enough, but more importantly, the ability to comprehend the voice to be from God.
But this ability to comprehend and hear God's voice comes from our PRAYER LIVES.
You see, prayer is the communication with God, and this communication brings about greater understanding between both parties. You'll be able to understand God's heart for the world, or individuals, or families, or communities, church etc.. On the other hand, God will be able to understand your feelings, emotions, worries, burdens, excitements, enthusiasms. But, of course we all know the sovereign Lord already knows all that, he already predicted whats beyond, whats ahead! So therefore, sometimes prayer lives can be easily said to be a one flow traffic, because, you're already talking to somebody who knows everything.
But deeper understanding with God and prayer will lead you to the understanding that prayer can never be a 1 way communication. You see, despite talking to someone who knows everything, the resultant action of telling him something he already knows brings about a dependence in God. And God is ever-ready to take up the challenge of carrying your burdens/worries. Therefore, the communication that you have with God exists, no question about that. Vise versa, the communication God has with You will also exists because he will be able to impress upon your heart, the things upon his. Therefore concludes that prayer is a 2 way event.
Therefore, the heart of our prayer lives springs about a deeper understanding with God, and the ability to easily comprehend the voice of God.
But yet, as i said, even if you're unable to hear God's voice frequently, it does not mean that God isn't working, or your walk with God is weak. The inability of hearing God's voice cannot define a person's walk with God.
I read a book, i forgot what the book is called, but it says that sometimes, in life, we face dry seasons and we feel as if we're shut out of the world, losing the ability of hearing God's voice. But this, comes with a purpose and a price.
It hurts God perhaps x1000 more than us, if he doesn't get to talk to us. But yet, he is ready to risk it. You see, sometimes God doesn't speak to us, because we're perhaps complacent with our walk with God, or not praying wholeheartedly (e.g. with hidden sins, having hate, complacency, etc.) . Once we are unable to hear God's voice, we question the origin of the inability to hear God's voice. This springs out a wealth of dependence on God again, because, we're strip bare of our complacency, and we understand our mistake. This brings about a greater dependence towards God, and when we're dependent on God, we walk 1 more step towards the golden gate.
Therefore, Prayer must not only be a communication with God. Prayer cannot be summarized under the heading of Communication because it is way more than that. Prayer must be a constant dependence on God, and that is why, God needs us to pray. Theoretically God does not need to hear our prayers. However, We need to pray! The more we pray, the more excited we are relishing the prospect of doing God's work. The more we pray, the more dependent we are on God, because we are seeking his advice on every small detail/decision in our lives, and this pleases him!
Therefore, do not lose heart when you are unable to hear God's voice. Question the origin, but, do bare in mind that sometimes, dry seasons are here to further strengthen us, for a greater dependence on God and to change a corridor of pain, into a corridor or power.
Lastly, i think that God speaks to us about 10000000000000 times a day, just that perhaps we're not sensitive to God's impressions, or the second, the inability to hear God's voice. This post, is for the latter