Hey this week don't forget to read days 5-8 for Bible tour k.
I wanna share some insight from the first 4 days, read on if you have time! Some are stuff that can't really be applied, but just to show how brilliant the Bible is! Some are quite deep la, and some may not easy to understand esp cos I tried to keep it brief. Whatever it is, they show that the Bible is so sophisticated and coherent, it really must have been written with God's inspiration.
Day 1 - Gen 1 - The Creation Account
1. The Trinity found in the first 3 verses of the BibleGod, Holy Spirit and Jesus expressed in Gen 1:1-3
Gen 1:1 - "In the beginning,
God" (Hebrew: Elohim = God of transcendence/Creator God)
1:2 - "the
Spirit of God hovering..."
1:3 - "And God
said" (Word of God = Jesus. See John 1:1-3, Rev 19:13)
2. The Structure of the Creation AccountCreation account was a systematic fulfilment of Gen 1:2 -
"the earth was
formless and empty"
a. God
produced form by separation
b. God
filled each form
a. Day 1: Separated night and day
b. Day 4: Made sun and moon for day and night
a. Day 2: Separated sky and sea
b. Day 5: Made sky animals and sea animals
a. Day 3: Separated land and sea, land plants created
b. Day 6: Made land animals and people, plants used for food
See the neat structure? Day 1 with 4, 2 with 5, 3 with 6.
3. Man Created in God's ImageGen 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him."
Double emphasis on being created in God's image. We are to regard everyone as such. There is no place for murder or causing hurt to a fellow man, as how God dealt later with Cain (Gen 4:10-12)
Day 2 - Gen 2 - Creation of Adam and Eve
1. Garden of EdenWhile Eden was physically a garden, theologically it was the presence of God. Thus when Adam and Eve sinned, they were taken out of Eden, i.e. taken out of God's holy presence. The cherubim which were then placed to guard Eden (Gen 3:24) parallels the man-made cherubim guarding the ark of the covenant (Exo 25:18-20), which to the Israelites represented the presence of God.
2. Name of God used changed from Elohim (God) to Yahweh (LORD) from Gen 2:4 onwardsEverytime you see 'LORD' in the old testament, it's Yahweh. Everytime you see 'God' in the OT, it's Elohim.
From Gen 2:4, the account of creation of Adam and Eve begins. 'Yahweh' (meaning: covenant Lord) is now used instead of 'Elohim'.
This shows that God has not just created a 'thing', but has created a relationship.
(Remember my sermon in Jan?)
3. Adam made from the dust of the ground (v7)In Hebrew, the word for ground used in this verse is 'adamah'. 'Adam was formed from 'adamah'. But more than just a linguistic r/ship, there's also a theological r/ship between man and the ground. When Adam sinned, the ground was cursed (Gen 3:17b). What happens to adam affects adamah, and what happens to adamah affects adam (Gen 3:18).
4. Theology of MarriageIt's interesting how the author (Moses) seems to pause the story to give a theology on marriage in v24.
Day 3 - Gen 3 - The Fall of Man
1. The attack of the devil is an attack on the given Word of Goda. (v1) Devil raises doubt on the given Word "Did God
actually say...?"
b. (v4) Devil proceeds to outrightly deny the truth of the given Word "You will
not surely die..."
The devil still attacks us in this way today, christians and non-christians.
2. The heart of sin is to be God(v5) Devil tempts man with the possibility of being on equal footing with God.
Consider the continuum: 'Like God'----------------------'Be God'. Somewhere along this continuum is God's divine perogative for our identity. We are like God but not God. We are 'god' (please note inverted commas!) in that we were given rulership over the animals (Gen 1:28). So you can say we're meant to be somewhere in the middle of the continuum. That's God's divine perogative.
The devil tempted man to move towards the right of the continuum, and this entails being able to know both good and evil. But this is out of God's perogative! Can man handle the knowledge of evil? Of course not, just look at the world today! And Gen 6:5 tells us about our sad state upon acquiring the knowledge of evil.
3. The beginning of spiritual warfare (v15)Seed of the woman vs. Seed of the serpent.
Seed of serpent will bruise seed of woman's
heel - devil will attack and cause injury
Seed of woman will bruise seed of serpent's
head - devil will ultimately be defeated
'Seed' is a very impt concept in the OT. It means offspring. The chosen 'genealogy' recorded in the Bible is planned by God and purposed to lead to the ultimate, anointed 'seed of woman', Jesus Christ himself. Jesus defeats the devil (bruised head), but at the price of suffering and death (bruised heel). This is a fulfilment of this genesis verse.
In the OT, the devil constantly tries to derail God's plan for Israel (bruised heel), and sometimes to the Israelites it does seem like God's plan is derailed (e.g. when they went into exile). But above all the turmoil, uncertainty, grief, disobedience, God is still on track.
To appreciate this better, we need to get a good big picture of the Bible, which is what the Bible tour will give us!
Day 4 - Gen 4 - Cain and Abel
1. Significance of the name Enosh (v26)v26 "..and he called him Enosh. At that time people began to call upon the name of the LORD."
'Enosh' like the Hebrew 'Adam' means 'man', but implies a weakness and dependency. Which explains the sentence which follows 'At that time people began to call upon the name of the LORD." This sentence opens the history of prayer in the Bible. Man has begun to feel the effect of the separation from the presence of God (Gen 3:23).