This week I had to give a speech on my reasons for becoming a Singaporean. Haha. YA, like just 2 months after I became a Singaporean. And it was weird cos although I was a PR from Malaysia, I was born in here and grew up here. So I don't have any reasons for becoming a Singaporean. And this was quite a big thing, it was a programme to persuade PRs to become singaporeans, so the audience was quite big, and there were important people there to answer questions in a forum and stuff. So I had to wear quite formal and come early and rehearse.
But when it was my turn to speak it went horribly wrong la haha. When I started talking, I could tell the mic wasn't on, so I signaled to the PA that it's not on. But they weirdly gave me a thumbs up. And they kept thumbs upping me until I believed that the mic was on. So I started talking, although I couldn't here anything coming out from the speakers. So I thought maybe the speakers at the audience were on, so the audience can hear but I cannot hear.
So can you imagine, I was talking, talk until 1 paragraph but the audience couldn't hear anything. They must be wondering who's this weird guy who's talking and smiling to himself. Hahaha. Then one of the organizers finally came up and asked me if my mic was turned on. It was, so he signaled to the PA that there's no sound. Then the PA turned it on and the mic worked.
Haha. Weird.
So I started my speech again. And I wanna highlight a super funny part! I said
"....I was a PR from Malaysia and became a Singaporean just about 2 months ago...
bla bla bla...
...The efficiency here also makes day-to-day life easy to live. I think the efficiency here is well-known and needs no examples but I just want to share a couple. As soon as I became a Singaporean, they made me give this speech. ...that's really efficient."
HaAHAHAHAHAHA. Everyone laughed their heads off!
After that I said "just kidding" la, in case any seriously serious organizers or seriously loyal Singaporeans wanted to look for me after that. But it was seriously fun.

I lurve Singapore.